Mercato Dental Centre in East Vancouver

Contact Us

Contact Information

Mercato Dental Centre

1617 Commercial Dr
Vancouver, BC, V5L 3Y3

(604) 254-5900

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We Are Your Commercial Drive Dentist in East Vancouver

Our dental office is on the corner of Commercial Drive and First Avenue in the heart of Little Italy. You can reach us on the SkyTrain or by bus. If you drive, you can park on the ground floor of Mercato Mall, and we’ll reimburse you for up to two hours of parking!

Oral Exams & New Patient Exams in East Vancouver

At Mercato Dental Centre, we welcome new patients to our practice and perform comprehensive dental exams to assess their oral health. Whether you are looking for a routine exam or experiencing dental problems, our dentists can help you improve and maintain your dental health.

What to Expect During Your Appointment

When you attend our clinic for the first time, we will ask you to fill out a patient history form. This form includes questions about your medical and dental health, as well as any allergies you have or medications you take. Your dentist will perform a thorough visual examination of your mouth and take X-rays to get more detailed information about your oral health. If you are experiencing any problems or have any concerns, our dentist is always happy to discuss them with you.

How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

We recommend visiting our clinic at least once a year for a dental exam. This allows us to monitor your teeth and gums and assess any changes over time. If you experience any unusual symptoms, such as pain or sensitivity, we suggest booking an appointment so we can determine the issue promptly and provide the appropriate treatment if needed.

Dental Hygiene Appointments in East Vancouver

A healthy mouth requires routine care to maintain the health of your teeth and gums. We recommend booking a visit with your dental hygienist for a professional cleaning at least once a year to keep your mouth clean and tartar free.

Why Do You Need a Professional Teeth Cleaning?

When food particles become trapped between the teeth and gums, they form plaque, a sticky substance commonly found on teeth. Over time, the plaque hardens into tartar and then stubborn calculus, which is difficult to remove with regular brushing. The bacteria in the tartar can weaken the gum, causing gum disease, a serious condition that can affect oral health.

What to Expect at Your Dental Hygiene Appointment

Your dental hygienist will use special tools to remove tartar that has built up around the gumline. They will also polish your teeth and provide oral care tips by pointing out areas with heavy build-up so you can address these areas more thoroughly when brushing.