Mercato Dental Centre

Teeth Extractions in East Vancouver

Teeth Extractions

At Mercato Dental Centre, our team of dentists is highly skilled at maintaining and restoring damaged teeth. However, there may be situations where a tooth extraction is necessary to protect your dental health.

Why Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

In most cases, the natural teeth can be saved, but when a serious infection affects the root system of the teeth, an extraction may be required. In such cases, the infected teeth must be removed to protect the health of the surrounding bone, teeth, and gums. 

Wisdom teeth can also cause problems if they are impacted, grow at an awkward angle, or cause overcrowding in the mouth. In these situations, it is common for your dentist to perform a wisdom tooth extraction to protect the alignment of the surrounding teeth.

What Is the Tooth Extraction Process?

A tooth extraction is generally a quick and straightforward procedure that is performed under a local anesthetic. Your dentist will begin by loosening your tooth with an elevator tool and then removing it from the gum with forceps. Recovery can take approximately 7 to 10 days, and it is essential to take recommended measures to promote healing.