Dental Restoration

Dental Implants

Dental Restoration

Restorative dentistry consists of advanced procedures that repair damaged teeth and can also replace missing teeth.


  • Renewed ability to speak properly and chew
  • Restoration of facial aesthetics
  • Preservation of availble jaw bone structure
  • Recovering of natural appearance and function of teeth


How do I decide which filling material to use?
There are various materials that can be used in fillings However, the most common materials are the silver coloured amalgam fillings or white coloured composite resin fillings. Many people prefer the white composite fillings because they are less noticeable, but you can discuss your options with your dentist.

What is the difference between a dental inlay or onlay?
A dental inlay fits within the grooves (the cusps) of the teeth. A dental onlay is larger and that also fits within the grooves but also covers over the cusps of teeth. Your dentist will help you decide which is more appropriate for your needs.

What is the procedure for an inlay/onlay?
A dental inlay or onlay is completed in two visits. In the first visit, the dentist prepares the damaged tooth by taking a molded impression and sends it to a laboratory to make the inlay or onlay. A fitted, temporary inlay or onlay will be created during this visit to protect the tooth before the final restoration. During the second visit, the temporary inlay/onlay is removed and replaced with your final inlay/onlay. Once fitted, the inlay or onlay will be bonded onto the tooth.

What is the dental crown procedure?
A dental crown typically requires two dental visits. The first visit consists of examining and preparing the tooth. Your dentist will anesthetize the tooth receiving the crown and will file it down to make room for the crown. After the tooth is reshaped, your dentist will use a putty or paste to create an impression, which are sent to the lab where the crown will be made. The second appointment involves cementing the permanent crown in place.

What is the process to get a dental bridge?
In the first appointment, the abutment teeth are recontoured to allow room for a crown to be placed over them. Impressions are made and your dentist will make a temporary bridge to protect the exposed teeth and gums while your permanent bridge is manufactured. In the second visit, the temporary bridge is removed and the permanent bridge is checked and adjusted. After the bridge is fixed, the dentist will permanently cement it into place.


Fillings: typically used to treat cavities, but can also repair cracked or broken teeth. There are various types of dental filling materials. Teeth can be filled with gold, porcelain, silver amalgam or tooth-coloured/white.

Dental Inlays & Onlays: made of tooth-coloured material that can repair teeth that have been damaged or fractured. It can be used to restore strength, remove discomfort and prevent tooth loss. Dental inlays fills in spaces on the tooth’s surface whereas dental onlays covers one or more cusps or the entire biting surface of the tooth.

Crown: a hollow, artificial tooth that can be used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. Dental crown implants can restore the function, shape and appearance of the impaired tooth.

Dental Bridges: great solution for patients with one or more missing teeth. The bridge is typically made of an artificial tooth fused between two crowns and will extend across an area that has no teeth. A bridge is permanent and cannot be removed.

Dental Implants: used to treat missing teeth. Implants are made of pure titanium and integrate with the surrounding bone. The artificial tooth root is placed into the jaw to hold a bridge, replacement tooth, or even a full denture.